Friday, October 12

Hajimemashite :) Watashi wa Shieroga desu! Yoroshiku~

So... welcome to my blog! I haven’t posted anything yet :/ and this is my first post. I created a blog— um... maybe over 2 months ago and still has no post-_- well, at least this post makes it one :p
So, minna-san… Scroll down your mouse and read this post… happily! *slapped* Let’s waste your time! Enjoy! :)

Oh but wait!!! Wait a minute! Before we go, let me remind you that my name is Shieroga :/ Shi-e-ro-ga. Don't ever missed spell it to Shieroge or anything stupid-_- I won't post sexual content anyway... Let's go then minna!


Hey what are these?
These are... The probably asked questions and the answers for you who wondering about… me and my blog :3 *killed* I pretend to be the interviewee and you are the interviewer. Just pretend we are in a TV program, okay? *KICKED*


*Camera rolling... Action!*

Hello everybody! We’re back and still on *decide your own show name*! And now we got a new guest here. She is a blogger and just made her blog 2 months ago but still hasn’t posted yet! Here she is… Shieroga-san! *Sfx: clapping feet*
Oooh hi *your name* :) nice to be invited on your famous show!

Hahaha oh well, welcome Shieroga-san!

So here we heard that you made a blog right? You made it about two months ago and still… has… no… post.
Well, actually yes I did. But finally, I deleted that blog and created a new one with my other e-mail. And this new blog was created yesterday, the day before this post was shared.

I see… If we may know,  why did you make this blog?
I thought about a website that provides everything about Japan stuff. Especially the language learning. Somehow, Im not a japanese at all and haven’t gone to Japan. You can conclude that my knowledge is… err couldn’t find any suited word-_- 

So why are you talking about the language?
I know this stuff only from my school and my course. And what I’m gonna post is the summary from those two place hehe :p

How long have you learnt this thing?
I had dreamed to learn this language since I was a 5th grader. But it just was reached when I’m in my 8th grade. And now I’m in my second year on my senior high school.

Oh… Then you have learnt it about 3 years? How far is that?
Yes, you’re right! 3 years… 3… years… But it doesn’t mean anything! When I got to my senior high school, I had to re-learn all of the subject! I started to learn the hiragana… katakana… and all of the basic things.
Two years in junior high school doesn't give me that much materials. We learned it slowly. And what I learned in one year of senior high school is the materials of 2 years in junior high school :O Now you can imagine…

How about the course? You forgot to tell us about that…
The course! Yeah! For you who wants to learn Japanese language, I recommend you to join a course. You will know more and more than what you know from school. Because you will get intensive learning there. That’s what I got all along.
I joined my course since this May. But it has stopped since this August. Until now it hasn’t started yet because the lack of students. So this is only 3 months of me studying there-_-
I didn’t say that the course is bad so it causes the lack of students, but maybe the not strategic place and the low promotion may cause it. Who knows…
Oh back to the start, I said it’s only 3 months right? But… But it made my days’ like everyday-is-about-Japan! Hmmm well well, I don’t know what to say about the course anymore. “Great” maybe can describe everything about it haha.
I hope I can start the course soon :) I can’t stop waiting to always improve my skill!

Wow, wow… great ambition :Good luck then!
Thank You!

By the way, are you going to post about the language only?
At the start… Yes I was :| but I think that’s impossible since what I’ve learnt is not that much right?-_- So, I’ll post… anything! :) what I did, what I know, and what I want! Eeeeeverything that lies in my mind! Hahaha! Hope you can enjoy my readable babble :p
Ah! I’m new in blogging world by the way :) hehehe

Hahaha kay then, thank you for sharing those sh*ts to us :)
You’re welcome~


System: Okay, you just read the interview between you and that silly blogger. So what’s the conclusion? Your time had wasted for reading this annoying first post! =3 Don’t be scared to read her others posts! They are waiting to be read… Ja mata! *Sfx: tomatoes thrown*

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