Saturday, October 20

Before We Start…

Hello minna-san! =D Today I wanna start to post my Japanese subject summary from my school, either from JHS or SHS. I used to use a green book (I don’t know the book title-_-) in my JHS, and I don’t use any book in my SHS. Well, actually other schools with the same grade with us use “Sakura” book. But because… maybe the administration problem, finally my school didn’t let the students to use any book. So, the teachers just teach us with power point presentation. But it’s ok for me. I like to read a book that uses hiragana/katakana/kanji for the vocabularies and the sentence examples, while the “Sakura” book uses only romaji (that’s what I know).

Oh, one thing. I’ll write the posts in Indonesia, in semiformal form(?). Kay then, just let we start! *poof!*

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